Since 1996, the forest nature conservation program in the canton of Aargau has made impressive progress. Since the start of the program in 1996, 3400 hectares of natural forest reserves and old wood islands have been created, 1470 hectares of special reserves, 3500 hectares of oak forest reserves and 250 kilometers of ecologically enhanced forest edges.

But what is the long-term impact on biodiversity of not using wood in the natural forest reserves? This is exactly what we investigated on behalf of the Forest Department of the Canton of Aargau in the project “Monitoring the success of natural forest reserves (2018-2023)”.

In 18 natural forest reserves, the diversity of fungi, deadwood beetles and bats was compared with neighboring commercial forests. Natural forest reserves have around 20 % more species relevant to nature conservation. By not using wood and promoting natural processes such as ageing and decay, valuable habitats are created for numerous species.

We are delighted that these results were also mentioned in an article in the Aargauer Zeitung. And we hope that the scientifically sound results will also contribute to the decision-making process of the Aargau government.

Read the article in the Aargauer Zeitung here.